Education with Gender Justice in the Perspective of the Constitution

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd Global Conference on Women’s Studies

Year: 2021


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Education with Gender Justice in the Perspective of the Constitution

Anna Triningsih



The commitment to changing gender relations to a more just and equal direction has been seen since the United Nations (UN) took steps to affirm equal rights between men and women in its 1945 charter and subsequently in 1946 established the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Following up on this, Indonesia participated in implementing the contents of the declaration and action program because the affirmation of women’s human rights as contained in the Vienna Declaration was in line with the Pancasila ideology, especially the Second principle, Just and Civilized Humanity. The constitutional basis is the 1945 Constitution in Article 27 which guarantees equal position and rights for all citizens: men and women, both before the law and government as well as for decent work and living for humanity. In the context of accelerating the goals of national development, including development in the field of education, towards gender equality and justice in all aspects of life, both in family life and in the life of the nation and state, gender-based education is a strategic choice, although of course it is a viable choice. heavy considering the many obstacles to be faced. Concrete steps that can be taken are formulating gender policies in national education. The objectives to be achieved through this policy include three main points. First, opening up educational opportunities that are more equitable in all majors, types, and levels of education by considering aspects of gender equality. Second, eliminating all forms of gender inequality in departments, vocational fields, or study programs at the secondary and tertiary education levels so as to create gender equality in various fields of professionalism. Third, provide opportunities and opportunities for women to participate optimally in all units and in all stages of educational development, starting from the formulation stage of policies, decision making, program implementation, to the final stage in the form of evaluation.

Keywords: Education, Gender Justice, Constitutional Perspective.