Social networks at Spanish High Schools

Proceedings of ‏The 2nd world conference on Future of Education

Year: 2020


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Social networks at Spanish High Schools

Carmen Álvarez Álvarez



With the emergence of social networks in today’s society, its enormous power as a communication tool has not gone unnoticed by schools, which have ventured, in a massive way, to open profiles, not always with defined objectives. In this paper, it is presented a systematic analysis of the use and contents of all the Facebook and Twitter profiles of the centers that teach Secondary Education in a Spanish autonomous community. For this, general data about frequency of use of the networks have been collected; of the integration of these with the rest of the center’s communication; the content of the publications, according to their subject matter, recipients or multimedia elements included; its impact and scope; and, finally, the degree of interaction of the center with the users. The results show a huge disparity in the intensity of use, the quality of publications or the existence, even, of a clear idea of the function of social networks, being the difference between public and private ownership centers, with a more effective communication by the latter. It can be concluded that the social network preferred by the centers is Facebook, it is necessary to review the integration between the different communicative tools of the center, in the publications, the image is the text, the recipients of the publications are mainly the students of the center and their families and that the interaction with users, contrary to what one might suppose, is limited.

Keywords: social networks; school management; ICT; school technology; community communication.