- Nov 4, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-rset
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Year: 2019
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.rsetconf.2019.09.618
The Effect of Tartaric Acid New Derivatives against the Multidrug-Resistant Opportunistic Pathogenic Soil Strains of Pseudomonas Fluorescens
Bella G. Babayan, Aram R. Mikaelyan, Nona L. Asatryan, Samvel A. Bagdasaryan and Marina A. Melkumyan
The quantity of multidrug resistant bacteria, including phytopathogenic and pathogenic for human organism is increased caused by enlarging of antibiotic usage by mankind. And this problem is more makeable in developing countries, because of uncontrolled usage of antimicrobial preparations including the antibiotics led to new multidrug resistant bacteria selection and forming in hospitals and agricultural objects. But the initial source of resistant bacteria is soil. Thus, the search of natural, ecologically safe effective preparations against them is very important for medicine and ecology. One of the directions of searching of alternatives instead the antibiotics while the therapy of multidrug resistant infections is the usage if semisynthetic antimicrobial compounds with enlarged spectrum of properties. Tartaric acid is well-known antibacterial preservative food additive. That is why, the main aim of current research was the research of antibacterial effect of first time synthesized in our laboratory 4 derivatives of it – benzylimide, cyclohexylimide, benzyl mono amino salt and Cyclohexyl amino salt of tartaric acid on different strains of well-known by the highly adaptive metabolism – Pseudomonas fluorescens from The National Collection of Microorganisms of Microbe Depository Centre, “Armbiotechnology” Scientific & Production Center, Republic of Armenia. During the experiments it was shown that all compounds were are more effective than tartaric acid and tartrates. For the resistant representatives, which were in the minority, the absence of possibility to transfer the resistance to other Gram-negative bacteria was shown. Besides, there was showed the possibility of these compounds biodegradation by some Pseudomonas representatives.
Keywords: Pseudomonas fluorescens, multidrug resistance, tartaric acid derivatives, biodegradation.