Thermal study of Agar solution in a capillary Installation

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Applied Science

Year: 2019


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Thermal study of Agar solution in a capillary Installation

Mellal Mounir, Abchiche Hacina, Ibadioune Sarah, Chekir Nadia, Sahraoui Naima and Bertouche Sadjia




The behavioral study of non-Newtonian fluids with heat transfer is a very active field of research. Researchers are more interested in the heat developed in cylindrical pipes, in forced convection. we were interested in this thermal transfer work during flow of a non-Newtonian fluid which is an aqueous Agar Agar solution, through a cylindrical heating pipe and horizontal heat flux imposed in a capillary installation.

Keywords: Heat transfer, non-Newtonian fluid, Terminal rheological.