Assessment of Microbiological Indicators in Vlora bay, Albania

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Year: 2019


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Assessment of Microbiological Indicators in Vlora bay, Albania

Aurora Bakaj, Hajdar Kiçaj and Ambra Ferati




Vlora bay represents one of the most attractive and important beaches of Albanian seacoast. Coastal waters are widely used for a series of recreative activities. Therefore, it is needed a periodical assessment of water quality in order to improve public health. The aim of this research study was monitored and evaluation of water quality in correlation of the dynamics of fecal bacteria indicators in Vlora bay. Setting and design: The microbiological indicator analyses were conducted in 2019 at regular time intervals during two seasons: spring and summer. Water samples were collected at 6 sampling stations eventually distributed along the coastline. Materials and Methods: Total and fecal coliform were analyzed using one of the Coliform standard methods -MPN. In order to give a completed pattern of the study area, we measured some of the physical-chemical parameters such as: temperature, pH and salinity. The results: Temperature values vary from 11.6 oC in March to 23.7 oC in August. During summer time, our data show a higher concentration level of fecal bacteria almost in all the sampling stations. This might be due overpopulation of the coastline, especially in this period of year. Conclusions: This study shows that the sea water along Vlora coastline is largely indicated by anthropogenic sources. A lower quality of water is noticed particularly around the locations of urban sewage discharges.

Keywords: : Fecal coliforms, monitoring; microbial indicators, water quality, MPN method.