- Feb 17, 2021
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Abstract of 2nd-icrmanagement
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Management
Year: 2021
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.icrmanagement.2021.02.46
Diversity and Inclusion Practices of Selected German Multinational Firms in The Czech Republic
Emil Velinov, Andreas Hilger
The paper investigates what specific diversity and inclusion strategies are applied across selected German multinational companies’ subsidiaries located on the territory of the Czech Republic. The study suggests that in the Czech Republic the majority of the applied diversity and inclusion managerial practices are based on historical footprints in the region. Furthermore, the paper reveals that diversity and inclusion practices are significantly affected by the cultural, social norms and values in the given country. Also, paper findings show that the respective firms’ subsidiaries in the Czech Republic are trying to westernize their diversity and inclusion strategies in order to attract more investors and to be more credible and prosperous. The study brings evidence that there is emerging interest and efforts by the subsidiaries in the selected emerging markets to adopt contemporary management approaches in dealing with its diverse employees in order to increase firm performance.
Keywords: diversity, inclusion, practices, German firms, Czech Republic.