“Creative Expression of Native Folk Art”(Folk women of Northern India)

Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Social Sciences

Year: 2019

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/2nd.icmrss.2019.09.614

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“Creative Expression of Native Folk Art”(Folk women of Northern India)

Usha Rani




It has been observed that the creation and expression of folk art especially the handmade costumes of women in Northern India. The creation in a subtitle expression upon the tender mind of village folk tendencies made them innovative. In the village environment, the girls have been involved to intact themselves in the art of folk embroidery to express the folk motives on this daily used costumes. These types of practices could be seen in the Northern Indian women like sopli, chundri, khara, chhamma, ghagra (Indian costumes). Embroidery is essential items of women living cultural traditional. The aesthetics in folk art in controvertible draw its deep feeling expression of forms, colours, texture, lines far from natural visible reality which made them spontaneously some other forms related to heavenly bodies such as the sun, moon and stars in embroidery also been observed.The like of women in the rural life has a diversity of busy work in the domestic and agricultural occupations system which gave them apprentice ample opportunities to observe the natural life and the some could expressed on the costumes in the forms or motive of the folk arts as a cultural heritage.The research paper would have focused the women’s folk costumes their embroidery techniques, shapes, the archetypal psyche of the prosperity which has made the women cultural in rural life in Northern India. The paper would be represented with the folk documentation with images of rural women figures.

Keywords: Folk, crafts, handmade, costume techniques.