The Determinants of Sustainable Urban Destination Management for Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Bangkok

Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics and Accounting

Year: 2023



The Determinants of Sustainable Urban Destination Management for Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Bangkok

Chanin Yoopetch




Destination managers strive to find a new way to balance the positive impacts of Tourism development, such as job creation, command income distribution comma, and social and environmental conservation, and the negative impacts of tourism development, such as traffic jams and loss of cultural identity. In this study, the author aims to explore the perception of international tourists towards urban designation management of Bangkok, which is known as one of the most visited cities in the world, and how international tourists evaluate the level of sustainability managed by destination managers for both private and public organizations. The author collected data from 450 International tourists visiting Bangkok, and the results indicated that city design of destination and environmental management, especially in the context of Health concerns for the tourist, highly affect the perception of sustainable Urban destination management. Structural equation modeling was adopted for data analysis to evaluate the relationship among the determinants, including cultural conservation, city design, environmental management, and health and safety. The results indicated that environmental management is the most influential factor affecting sustainable urban destination management, followed by city design, cultural conservation, and health and safety. Managerial implications included practical guidelines for environmental management for residents and tourists, stakeholder participation in city design, regular promotion of festivals and cultural heritage, and updating information on health and safety news and important guidelines via traditional and digital formats to help the tourists and residents.

keywords: Sustainable Urban Destination, Environmental Management, City Design, Cultural Conservation, Health and Safety