Amsterdam, Netherlands
ISBN: 978-609-485-056-1 pub
Date: 23rd October 2020
Diamond Scientific Publishing
Category: Management, Economics, and Humanities
The 10th international conference on Management , Economics and Humanities , October 23–25, 2020 in Amsterdam, Netherlandsaims to bring together academia, researchers and scholars to exchange information and share experiences and research results about all aspects of specialized and interdisciplinary fields. This event provides an opportunity for all to network, share ideas and present their research to a worldwide community. Discussion on the latest innovations, trends and practical concerns and challenges faced in these fields are also encouraged.
Mapping Out Health Expenditure Efficiency Associated with Health Sector Performance Development in Indonesia
Syaparuddin, Faradina Zevaya
Leipzig University, Germany
Proceedings of The 10th international conference on Management, Economics and Humanities, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Lifestyles in Postgraduate Students at the Universidad Santo Tomás – Colombia, a View from the Integral Formation
Sandra Posada-Bernal, Darwin Arturo Muñoz Buitrago and Marlucio de Souza Martins
Universidad Santo Tomás – Bogotá, Colombia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Bogotá, Colombia
Proceedings of The 10th international conference on Management , Economics and Humanities, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Development of women in senior leadership roles in Saudi Arabia
Azhar Gawarir
University of Brighton / Brighton business school
Proceedings of The 10th international conference on Management, Economics and Humanities, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Solutions to Challenges of Land Acquisition for Railway Developments
Hiroki Ito
MPP student at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
Proceedings of The 10th international conference on Management, Economics and Humanities, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]