International Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics
Year: 2018 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 35-48
Designing an Intelligent In-Home Healthcare System
Maryam Pournasir Roudbaneh, Mehr Ali Hemmatinezhad and Maryam Shamsyan
Due to the middle-aged population, the need for health services is increasing and more staff is required to visit and serve the homes of the elderly people. For many years, the shortage of specialized nurses and hard service programs has created a lot of pressure on health service centers and sometimes caused complaints of family members or elderly people. In order to have a good quality of these services, having an assessment strategy is required by determining the workload and staff personality of the nursing section. In this research, an in- home care institution was selected. Initially, a survey was conducted on the elderly people and their families. Data was then managed using OLAP technology. One month after the implementation of the system, the survey was re-evaluated and then, using the Topsis method, the nurses’ performance was ranked. The results showed that the satisfaction of the elderly people and their families from the in-home care institute has been promoted in all three dimensions of technical-vocational, training and trust, but there is still a degree of dissatisfaction.
Keywords: In-Home Care Services, Data Warehouse, OLAP, Topsis
How to cite this article:
Maryam Pournasir Roudbaneh, Mehr Ali Hemmatinezhad and Maryam Shamsyan, (2018). Designing an Intelligent In-Home Healthcare System. International Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics, 1 (1): 35-48.