A Happy Life Is a Journey: My Motorcycle and Me

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Findings in Humanities and Social Sciences

Year: 2018 | Page No: 49


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A Happy Life Is a Journey: My Motorcycle and Me

P.S. kruger


The motorcycle industry is showing slow growth due to the economic downturn in South
Africa. However many motorcyclists use their motorcycles as a leisurely pursuit, such as
attending the annual Harley Davidson Toy Run in donating back to the community in the form
of charity. Marketers to attract or retain consumers on the other hand could use psychological
happiness in marketing campaigns. It is said that a happy consumer is a satisfied consumer. A
convenience sampling (non-probability) technique were used during the administration of the
questionnaires to potential motorcycle owners (N=357) attending the Harley Davidson toy run,
based on their availability and willingness to participate in this research. The Structural
Equation model indicated that a linear statistical significant relationship exists between
personal values, self-image, personal well-being, leisure life and overall psychological
happiness amongst these specialised consumers. The findings and results will be directed
towards marketers of motorcyclists as well as motorcycle dealers. Finally, suggestions for
further research are made.

