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As a matter of fairness, authors may submit only one article on which they are listed as the first author per community per year. However, we will accept multiple submissions from a single individual as long as that individual is the primary author on only one article and each other author is also a community member. We will accept multiple submissions across multiple communities, as long as the author joins each community.
Please click here to view a complete list of our journals and author submission guidelines.
Under the terms of Diamond Scientific Publishing agreement, copyright is retained by the author. If you do wish to reproduce your article, we ask that you properly cite Diamond Scientific Publishing and the journal in which it was published.
We strive to ensure that every article is published in a timely manner. However, there is simply too much variability in the submission process, such as the willingness of reviewers to evaluate a paper on a particular topic, for us to guarantee a specific timeframe for article publication. We do, however, publish journal articles online first, as soon as they’re ready, with a full citation. Complete issues follow at regular intervals.
Yes, Diamond Scientific Publishing offers Open Choice (open access articles published in subscription-based journals) and fully open access journals.
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