European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Year: 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 4 | Page No: 45-59
Comparison between Arduino based wireless and wire methods for the provision of power theft detection
Manal Shlibek and Mohamed Mhereeg
This paper is focused on the differences between the wire and wireless source codes sets that were generated to provide power theft detection solutions. In this work Arduino boards are used to detect both power theft and excessive power usage. Arduino boards are put on both substation side, named Master board, and consumer side named Slave board. Transferring data from Slave to Master via either wire or wireless modules were illustrated. The target of implementation of this project is to save a huge amount of electricity which is one of the main common problem that general electricity company of Libya (GECOL) is suffering from and put the power grid in frequently collapse. The paper will provide the analysis of two different circuits with their source codes, with comments of both codes. One of the two circuits was done by Proteus simulator to show wireless communication techniques. The other circuit was done by hardware project to show wire communication techniques. Also, the paper will provide the explanation of how to build Arduino Code written with Arduino C, information to assist you with understanding what you need to do to communicate electronic devices with Arduino kit, and guidance to show you how to implement the simulation of the system in Proteus simulator.
Keywords: RF 433, Adruino, Current Sensors, Relay, LCD displays, GECOL, Proteus.
How to cite this article:
Shlibek,M.Mhereeg,M.Comparison between Arduino based wireless and wire methods for the provision of power theft detection. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2 (4):45-59.