Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Research in Applied Science and Engineering
Year: 2019
Changing Dynamics of Old Markets in Heritage City of Mysuru
Zahra Bathool and Prof. B.Shankar
The markets reflect the diverse institutions of trade and economy in the city. A market space is not merely where people meet to exchange trade, but, a microcosm of incessant public images where the city fosters greater connection and engagement in terms of providing income, employment, and a community space for the locals to meet and greet. The old markets are the part of heritage city of Mysuru, which are the tangible heritage and are located judiciously as a common ground, where they act as connecting points in reasonable walking distances along the planned and plotted residential areas of the city. They were designed as a place to socialise and to foster the community diversity that co- existed in perfect harmony for over 100 years; such that the Mysuru palace forms the functional administrative core and the emergence of markets from the nodes transpired with permanent, semi-permanent and mobile vendors at the open spaces with a profusion of various merchandises. Over the years, the centuries old market places are unarchaic due to lack of proper maintenance; and are in constant debates after the collapse of two of the most important market spaces, due to physical, environmental, social and managerial aspects, which were called for restoration and conservation in the recent media agitation. This paper attempts to respect the changes in-time, right from the advent of the public markets in an effort to look at strategies that would alter the facets of preservation of its holistic heritage by improving the quality of life through place making to cohort the dynamics in terms of celebrating the relevance of public markets and their sphere of influence.
Keywords: Place-making, Public Markets, Heritage, Significance, Sphere of Influence.