A troop-search optimization for Lennard-Jones Potential Problem

Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Research in Applied Science and Engineering

Year: 2019

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/raseconf.2019.07.357

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A troop-search optimization for Lennard-Jones Potential Problem

Kedar Nath Das and Biplab Chaudhuri



In the defence security sector, a commander/captain attempts to prepare a bravery battalion with the help of efficient troops before/throughout each combat operation. In order to select the best troop, there could be a number of readjustments, shuffling and exchanging mechanisms applied over the combatants. The process of optimum troop selection has been computationally modelled in this paper to frame a robust optimization algorithm namely ‘Troop Search Optimization (TSO) algorithm’. TSO takes utmost care to balance both exploration and exploitation in the population during simulation. In order to ensure the superiority of TSO, a typical real life problem namely ‘Lennard-Jones Potential Problem’ is being solved and result is compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms.

Keywords: Optimization Problem, Meta-heuristics, L-J potential problem.