Proceedings of the International Conference on Social science, Humanities and Education
Year: 2018
Care for Self-Development and Achievement Motivation in Students of Helping Professions
Margita Mesarosova , Martina Ďurišová
Self-development in emerging adulthood is an essential task. In spite of its importance, the care for self-development was rarely studied. The objective of this study is to explore the nature and components of the care for self-development in university students of helping professions, as well as its predictors. Methods: Care for Self-Development Scale (CSD, Mesárošová, 4702,4702), Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS; Pardel et al., 0991) were completed by a group of 447 university students (9709 % were medical students, 2900 % psychology students, 12. 4 % were female). Results: Factor analysis of CSD produced five factors (the care for self-development in personal, educational, emotional, health, and autonomy areas). Conclusion: The achievement motivation and autonomy regulation were proved as predictors of the care for self-development in both groups of students. Implementation of these findings is possible in the educational and counselling process in universities.
Keywords: autonomy; counselling; education; need; self-care.