Proceedings of the International Conference on Social science, Humanities and Education
Year: 2018
Perfectness in Teaching
Dilek Turan Eroğlu
Educating people is not an easy job. You need to know your audiences’ needs, learning styles, learning barriers, learning strategies, motivational levels, desires etc. which are different than each other. Though the teachers try hard to get the best out of their learners, it does not guarantee the success or reaching the intended point. However, do the educators know the nature of their learners? What are the learners’ expectations? What makes them more involved and enthusiastic in learning? The aim of this study is trying to find out whether the students feel that their teachers know them well or the teachers assume that they know their students’ needs, motivation sources or learning types. To gather the data, a qualitative method has been used and interviews with the students were done to find out whether they feel they are understood well or not. The results are really interesting and worth listening.
Keywords:Barriers, Learning, Students’ Perceptions, Teaching, Quality.