Examining the Eating Habits of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development with Regards to Certain Demographic Variables

Proceedings of The International Conference on Social Sciences in the 21st Century

Year: 2019

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/ics21.2019.07.386

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Examining the Eating Habits of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development with Regards to Certain Demographic Variables

Nur Sena Öz and Pınar Bayhan



Eating problems may accure during early childhood. If the eating problems origin is not physiological, it can make think the primary relations. For this reason, the aim is analyzing of the eating habit of the children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with typical development (TD) and the eating attitudes of parents how is affected from children age, gender, birth time; parent ages, educations, jobs; family types and siblings.180 parents who have children’s aged 3-5, 90 TD and 90 ASD took a part of the research from preschools and special education and rehabilitation centers in Ankara, Turkey. Brief Assessment of Mealtime Behavior in Children (BAMBIC) and Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire(CEBQ) are used for indicating the children’s eating habit and Parents Mealtime Action Scale (PMAS) is used for indicating the parent’s mealtime attitudes toward their children. In addition, personal information form used to get demographic information. The data which gather from 180 parents analysis with statistical pocket programs.Regarding to results; children with ASD have more food refusal and disruptive behavior at mealtime when their age is 3. Mothers ages 20-29, their children with ASD and with TD have more food refusal at mealtime. Contrary, of children with ASD have a sibling, they are more enjoyment of food and food responsiveness than no sibling and children with TD. Parents who have a children with ASD have more attitudes that insistence on eating and snack limits.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, eating habits, eating problems, mealtime, parent attitudes.