Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2018
Issues encountered in Community Health in Sri Lanka with special reference to rural villages in North -Western Province
M H Tilakaratna Banda
Community Health remains substantial significance in the Sri Lankan development sector as it concentrates much on community development for many decades. The objective of the study is to explore the existing current issues of the rural community health sector, with special reference to a selected Grama Niladhari Division (GND) in North-Western Province in Sri Lanka. Despite of the fact that community development projects have been much focused by the rural development, community health has not been sufficiently developed by the national and regional development sectors. Having conducted a field survey consisting both qualitative in-depth interviews (10) and general questionnaire survey (50), this study can be concluded that majority of the subjects were not sufficiently aware of their personal health and hygiene by the respective community health programs conducted in this area for many years. Though there were many rural development projects in this area for many years, community health issues of identifying their personal health matters, chronic disease, reproductive health risks, and sexually transmitted diseases were not substantially addressed by the respective community development programs.
Key words: Community Development, Chronic diseases, Social Responsibility. Sri Lanka .Community Health.