Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance
Year: 2019
Service Quality and Competitive Advantage in Ghana’s Telecommunication Industry.Evidence of MTN Ghana
Iddrisu Abdul- Majeed
This study is conducted in the telecommunication sector in Ghana using MTN as a case study. The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between service quality and competitive advantage in the telecom industry. The current study used quantitative descriptive research design to help determine the relationship between variables. This research used a selfadministered questionnaire to quantify the impact of service quality constructs and competitive advantage. The study employed convenience sampling techniques with a sample size of 272 MTN users in Ghana. Data was analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS. The results showed that customers have a positive view about network quality and reliability of service of MTN Ghana. The study also found that there is a statistically significant relationship between the two service quality dimensions namely: network quality and reliability of service and competitive advantage with respective to market share and profitability. This study can serve as guidance for current mobile operators in Ghana and new entrants who intend to enter the industry. This research aspires to contribute to the body of best practices for mobile service providers in Ghana.
Keywords: Market Share; Network Quality; Profitability; Reliability of Service; Telecom Market.