Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Finance
Year: 2019
The Model For Establishing Competitive Advantage of Retail Chains For Countries in Transition
Mila Kavalić, Dejan Đorđević, Dragan Ćoćkalo, Sanja Stanisavljev, Marko Vlahović
This paper presents a formulated model for the establishment of competitive advantage in the field of consumer goods retail chains in the Republic of Serbia. We have also analyzed the competitive ability of the retail shops through the presentation of the model. The model starts from the analysis of customer requirements (more quality service, more affordable prices, availability of shops, purchasing pace, Internet shops), then it is focused on the process of organizational management which is under the influence of the two groups of factors – decisive factors (competitors power, marketing activities of competitors, business expenses, the margin level, the policy of assortment of commercial enterprise, productivity) and directing factors (economic policy, economic crisis, commercial policy in Serbia). As output strategies, marketing strategies for improving competitiveness of commercial organizations on the Serbian market are defined. They are oriented towards fulfilling customer requirements. The focus of these strategies is on integration, Pl – brand name, PR communication, CSR (Corporate social responsibility), as ways to improve competitive ability of retail chains through consumer satisfaction.
Keywords: competitiveness, retailers, requirements of consumers, marketing strategies, the Serbian market.