Proceedings of The International Conference on New Approaches in Education
Year: 2019
Conflict resolution: the R-D2 basic procedure
Caballero, M. Angeles and Escobar, M. Criptana
Are our students, future primary and kindergarten teachers, prepared to face the everyday conflicts of a classroom? We only can answer this question from our personal experiences as tutors of the Practicum. Reading the reflective diaries they have to present after this period, we discovered that the most extended strategy to solve conflict was: “say you are sorry”. Following the stages of an action-research methodology, we decided to test a proposal to solve this problem. As teachers of the subject “Educational Guidance and Tutorial Action” we decided to introduce a specific unit about “living together” (convivencia) and conflict resolution. We elaborate a basic strategy or procedure that the students had to apply in a practical activity (unfortunately, the students of this subject don’t have any placement at school). We also tested if they remembered this basic procedure at their final exam. The results were that they started the procedure, but very occasionally arrived to a real solution, and … only one of the students remembered the procedure. This is why we decided to create a new proposal to solve these two problems. We called this proposal R-DEDOS or RD2. You will have to read the full paper to know more.
Keywords: classroom management, aggressive and violent behavior, communicative skills and strategies, emotional intelligence.