Proceedings of The International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2019
Motivation in the use of digital platforms for teaching and learning mathematics
David Méndez Coca, Miriam Méndez Coca, Juana Mª Anguita Acero, Carolina Suárez Llevat
The integration of ICT in education and their use in effective didactic practices are favored when teachers’ motivation increases. The Theory of Self-Determination (Deci and Ryan, 2000) focuses on the study of intrinsic motivation and on the types of extrinsic motivation that can be internalized in order to motivate an individual’s behavior. Research has been carried out with 2nd and 3rd year students of the university Primary Education Degree program, analyzing the factors that favor their intrinsic motivation after carrying out activities using digital platforms for teaching and learning mathematics. The factors assessed were: the subject’s satisfaction with or interest in the use of the digital platforms, his/her perception of the competence he/she had and the value or utility provided by the activity. The intrinsic motivation in both groups was high, and was higher in students that did not have previous experience with digital platforms than in students that had previous experience.
Keywords: e-learning, experience, initial teacher training, intrinsic motivation, Theory of Self-Determination.