Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance
Year: 2019
Can Lean Thinking Enhance The Performance Management Of Micro-Enterprises? A Case Study In Lima, Peru
Chung-Jeng Huang, Elisa Denisse Talla Chicom and Yi-Hsien Huang
Ineffective management affects retail cost that results in high retail prices causing some struggles in the families that perceive a low income. In Peru, part of the food trade is carried out through retailers, in neighborhood markets or street vendors, making the fresh vegetables very popular stores in the markets of Lima. But, the price of these vegetables, in some cases, is very high in comparison with the original price. In a way to solve this problem, a group of 15 micro-enterprises was evaluated in a way to provide a solution to this problem. The method applied was based on the three main principles of Lean Thinking (eliminate waste, simplify everything and create flow) and was designed in 4 stages, first, describe the initial situation, second, identify critical situations, third, Define Objective and Scope of analysis and fourth, action plan to improve the current situation. As results of this study, the number of hours was fall down in 33%, from 18 to 12 hours per day and also the tools provided helped to change the way of thinking of micro-entrepreneurs, to understand that organizing they work environment and removing activities that do not add value to the process can generate beneficial outcomes for them as employees and also for the business. This study could be the base for further research projects focused in Micro-Enterprises in developing countries.
Keywords: Lean Thinking, Strategic Management, Micro-Enterprises, Continuous Improvement.