Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2019
Strategic Partnerships Between States and International Organizations. Factors of Their Failure Or Success
Lucyna Czechowska
The presentation contains methodological background as well as key definitions and assumptions of the international research project about strategic partnerships between states and international organizations conducted in 2014-2018. The project builds upon comparative findings from qualitative case studies of the EU, NATO, ASEAN and the Andean Community’s strategic partnerships with a sample of great, middle and minor regional powers. Presentation’s main focus is on factors of strategic partnerships’ success according to the findings of the statistical testing (multiple multivariate linear regression analysis, correlation analysis) of the strategic partnerships model. Strategic goals convergence was confirmed to be a good predictor of cooperation willingness among partners. Trust was confirmed to be a good predictor of cooperation sustainability. It also deals with unexpected insignificant predictors of strategic partnership substantiality– strategic roles convergence, unique bonds and regularized bilateral interactionism have not shown statistically significant results – and lays out the potential for further research, including the propositions for a model refinement following the abduction strategy.
Keywords: cooperation sustainability; cooperation willingness; regression model of strategic partnerships;strategic partnership substantiality; trust.