Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Business and Economics
Year: 2019
Income and Embroidery with Geographical Indication in the Northeast of Brazil: Associations for Income Generation and Valuation of Culture
Ilka Maria Escaliante Bianchini, Suzana Leitão Russo, Norberto Nuno Pinto dos Santos
In this article, it was tried to demonstrate that a Geographical Indication can produce countless advantages for the producer, the consumer and for the economy of the region. One of the first perceived benefits is adding value to the product or increasing revenue for the producer. Geographical Indications (GIs) are part of the intellectual property applicable to goods and services characterized by the place of origin. In Brazil, they were instituted by Law No. 9,279 of May 14, 1996, known as the Industrial Property Law, which regulates rights and obligations related to industrial property and instituted two types of GIs, the Geographical Indication of Origin (IP) and Designation of Origin (DO). Northeast Brazil shows significant growth rates in the sector, an economic differential for a region that is admittedly economically less favoured in the country. The objective of this work was to identify the importance of a GI for a craft association and what are the associations that produce Rends and Embroidery in northeast Brazil. The importance of a Geographical Indication for a region was also discussed and three associations were identified promoting income generation and regional development. This article was carried out through descriptive and documentary bibliographic research, developed from published contents in theses, dissertations and scientific articles of the main databases available, books and periodicals and is part of the research project of the PhD in the Property program Of the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil.
Keywords: Geographical Indication, Regional Development, Handicraft Associations, Culture.