Proceedings of The International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2019
Partnership and cooperation of teachers-parent as a factor for improving student achievement
Fatemeh Jafarkhani
The purpose of this research is to identify forms of teacher-parent communication, student achievement and their behavior in school. This research also aims to highlight factors that influence teacher-parent communication, taking into account the social status of parents, gender of one who communicates, home, school location and other demographic factors.In the realization of this research, have been used various combined methods, which enable the achievement of the goals foreseen in this paper. They will be used this methods:the method of theoretical analysis, descriptive, comparative, inductive and deductive and the statistical methods.The focus of this research will be teachers and parents in the pre-university education of seven regions of Kosovo. The sample will be selected through random selection technique, in villages and cities. The research will identify students’ achievements through co-operation and parent-teacher partnership, as well as improving their school behavior. On the other hand research will identify which forms of teacher-parent communication will have greater efficiency in the achievements and successes of students.The population is selected by random technique from lower secondary schools, teachers and parents. Of the 900 lower secondary schools in the Republic of Kosovo were selected 10% of the schools and the research was conducted with teachers and parents of the schools involved in the research.Implementation of research has concluded that teacher-parent communication should positively affect student achievement in improving their behavior in school.
Keywords: Forms, communication, parent-teacher, student achievement, behavioral improvement.