For Motivation of Student: Role of Coping

Proceedings of ‏The World Conference on Education and Teaching

Year: 2021


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For Motivation of Student: Role of Coping

Zahra Bouchkioua



Motivation is what we think we can do (Bandura, 1986). According to the socio-cognitive approach, self-efficacy is one of the six most essential constituents of motivation. This feeling encompasses all of the individual’s beliefs about their abilities to implement the behaviors they deem useful to achieve the desired results. The Sense of Perceived Personal Effectiveness in-fluences the choice of activities, performance, the expenditure of effort, persistence in the face of difficulties, positive or negative thoughts, and emotional reactions. These beliefs regu-late human behavior according to four processes, primarily the affective process (primarily coping). The sense of self-efficacy is based on four factors: lived experience, vicarious experi-ence, verbal persuasion, emotional or physiological states, and sources of information about the sense of self-efficacy. This article summarizes research that revolves around the following questions: is there a link between feelings of perceived self-efficacy and coping strategies; can we act on the student’s motivation through his feeling of the proposed personal advantage modifiable by coping strategies?

Keywords: beliefs; the sense of perceived personal effectiveness. Socio-cognitive; training.