Empirical Studies on Economic Integration Strategies; Case of Entrepreneurs and self-employed entrepreneurs of the African Diasporas based in MOROCCO

Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology

Year: 2021

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/8th.istconf.2021.07.50

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Empirical Studies on Economic Integration Strategies; Case of Entrepreneurs and self-employed entrepreneurs of the African Diasporas based in MOROCCO

Babacar Ndiaye,Sow Hamidou and Turamohammed Moriba



The purpose of this approach based on integration through Economic Activities is an investment that can increase the skills and attitudes of populations in search of integration and socio-economic inclusion.

Self-entrepreneurship which results in the effective realization of IGA via the status of auto- employed entrepreneur that is an economic project that creates added value, jobs and stable incomes for insertion into working life of these low-income populations and in particularly difficult situations.

This paper aims to present the realization and implementation of projects initiated; developed and designed for and by self-employed entrepreneurs who can take care of themselves.

The economic integration strategy that will be revisited in the context of this presentation is intended to be a dynamic and analytical study aimed at sharing the different paths and life stories in order to share the realities and various fortunes of the target populations.

In fact, in the early 2010s, Morocco looked into a new strategy which aims to strengthen and restructure its economic fabric through the creation of ecosystems through Public / Private & BE / SME / VSE partnerships.

This initiative aims to encourage entrepreneurship and the creation of self-employment to combat unemployment and social exclusion by integrating informal activities into the formal economy.

But this approach, overused here and there; did it achieve the expected results?

What are the obstacles and difficulties encountered by the targets?

Can this revisited approach be duplicated and implemented everywhere or will the need be for the benefit of populations waiting for sustainable solutions for economic integration?

Can it be an economic model?

Keywords: entrepreneur; auto-entrepreneur; economic integration, ecosystems, income-generating activities, added value.