Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Georgian Versions of The Twelve Minor Prophets (Commentary Of Micah and Amos by Theodoret of Cyrus)
Tinatin Jikurashvili
Georgian manuscripts containing the texts of Minor Prophets maintained up to present compose two edition groups: Oshki and Gelati editions. Oshki edition is presented in Oshki, Jerusalem and Saba Bible, and as Gelati edition there is regarded the text included into Gelati bible with catenae dated back by 12th-13th centuries (GNCM A-1108). These two translations differ from one another by numerous characteristics and this is primarily conditioned by the different approaches of translators to the translated texts. It turned out that work on the texts of Minor Prophets at Gelati school was not ended by rewriting of the Bible with catenae and these texts were included also into the metaphrase collections – Gelati versions of Minor Prophets, with the exclusion of the one with Catenae, are included into metaphrase collections – GNCM S-417 (12th c.), K-1 (16th c.) and K-3 (16th c.). These collections intended for liturgical purposes include the texts of books of Amos and Micah, together with the comments by Theodoret of Cyrus. The goal of the paper is to show the language and translation technique of the Gelati versions of the Georgian translations of the Minor Prophets according to all collections of different natures containing this text. Simultaneous research of two Gelati versions of Georgian translation of Minor Prophets and their linguistic study will provide answers to many interesting questions, especially those, significant for studying of philological work in the medieval period. Comparison of these translations will allow characterizing of the translators, revealing their individual characteristics and, as far as possible, attempting their identification.
keywords: bible, prophets, translation, metaphrase, textology