Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Exploring The Leisure Experience and Well-Being of Migrant Women Living in South Korea
Nindya Dhaneswara
This study investigates the role of leisure activities in the acculturation process and overall wellbeing of migrant women in South Korea. Amidst the complexities of cultural adaptation, leisure emerges as a pivotal element in facilitating migrants’ psychological adjustment and social integration. The research aims to understand how leisure experiences can influence the wellbeing and cultural adaptation of this demographic, which has been relatively understudied in the context of South Korean society. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the study involves in-depth interviews with migrant women from various backgrounds residing in South Korea. These interviews are designed to explore their leisure activities, perceptions of wellbeing, and experiences of cultural adaptation. The findings reveal that leisure activities not only provide a respite from the challenges of acculturation but also serve as a platform for social interaction, cultural learning, and personal growth. Participation in leisure activities is found to be significantly correlated with improved mental health, enhanced social networks, and a greater sense of belonging within the host culture. The study contributes to the broader understanding of migration and acculturation processes by highlighting the often-overlooked role of leisure. It underscores the need for policies and programs that facilitate access to leisure opportunities for migrant populations, thereby supporting their mental health and social integration. This research has implications for social workers, policymakers, and community organizations working with migrant populations, emphasizing the importance of leisure in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for migrants.
keywords: Migrant Women, Leisure Activities, Well-being, Cultural adaptation, South Korea