Proceedings of The 8th international conference on Management, Economics and Humanities
Year: 2018
Meeting the Challenges of Food Sector using Supplier Relationship Management
M. Raźniewska
According to different rapports, one of the most important challenges of nowadays is food security and waste problem. These are also the Sustainable Development Goals till 2030 such as “Zero Hunger”, “Responsible Production and Consumption”. Strategic and operational interventions can be prioritised across national, regional or industry level in food supply chains. The aim of this article is to present the possibility of using supplier relationship management in securing food and reducing waste. The considerations are based on the following scientific methods: literature analysis, a survey performed using Computer Assisted Telephone Interview among Polish organic distributors. In the article, the role of supplier relationship management in reassuring sustainable business was underlined. As a result, the portfolio of tools and advices for practical use, mostly by purchasing and procurement departments, in food securing and reducing waste was presented. The most important ones are as follows: traceability, measuring performance, evaluations and collaborative actions.
Keywords: food security; food waste; relationship management; supply chain; sustainable goals.