Investigating Pre-Service English Teachers’ Implementation of 21st-Century Learning and Innovation Skills: A Case Study in Turkey

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 2024

Year: 2024



Investigating Pre-Service English Teachers’ Implementation of 21st-Century Learning and Innovation Skills: A Case Study in Turkey

Yunus Emre Vural, Nazlı İrem Meriçli, Ferda İlerten




This study examines the level of awareness and implementation of 21st-century learning and innovation abilities among prospective teachers of English in Turkey. The participants were thirty-two pre-service teachers who were in their last year of the English Language Teaching program at a state university in Istanbul. The dataset included pre-service teachers’ teaching philosophies, lesson plans, observation reports, micro-teaching videos, and reflection papers. The study finds using multiple media and technologies, reflecting critically on learning experiences, and showing flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal to be the most prominent skills exhibited by the pre-service teachers. The results emphasize the importance of integrating cutting-edge pedagogical approaches, such as incorporating technology, and customizing instructional procedures to meet the unique needs of each student. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the need for continuous teacher training in order to successfully foster 21st-century abilities in students to cope with the complexities of contemporary society.

keywords: 21st century skills; communication and collaboration; creativity and innovation; critical thinking and problem-solving; teacher education