Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics
Year: 2023
Human Development Index and Community Competitiveness as Indicators of Potential Conflict in The Organization of The Country’s Capital City in Nusantara Republic of Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Sri Widodo, Prof. Dr. Esti Royani
Human resources are important because the nation’s capital will surely become a new economic magnet. The existence of a new economic center will surely invite people from all over to come and try their luck. This can certainly be a challenge that must be faced in order to avoid social conflict. Local human resources are a part that must receive attention in the context of development. Many cases of violence and social conflict started with local human resources who felt they were not given space and did not get the development cake. As an illustration, the development of SD is one of the focuses given by the IMF and the World Bank in sustainable development in the coming years.
President Joko Widodo has prepared everything needed in the process of relocating the capital city, and the plan is even further finalized by holding a contest to the general public regarding the spatial plan for the new capital. Prior to the official announcement of the relocation of the new capital city by President Joko Widodo, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) had conducted a study regarding the stages of the relocation. Bappenas considers a number of factors, such as economic factors, regional readiness, and the possibility of industrial development.
The existence of a new capital city is expected to be a solution in dealing with economic inequality between Java and outside Java. With the new capital city, a new economic center will be created that can even out development nationally. Bappenas stated that there was a positive impact on the national economy by predicting an increase in GRDP of 0.1%. The occurrence of inequality between the island of Java and outside Java can be seen from several aspects. From the population aspect, the population on the island of Java reaches 56.56% of the entire population of Indonesia. Seeing these conditions, of course, it is expected to bring big changes, especially in population distribution.
Based on the data and facts that have been described previously, in general East Kalimantan still has some homework to do in welcoming the National Capital. Some of the homework include lagging human resources, the quality of education that is not yet integrated with industry, and the allocation of funds for human resource development which has not become a priority. Tactical steps are needed in catching up, especially in the field of HR in welcoming the National Capital. A step that might be considered in catching up is an increase in the allocation of funds for human resource development in a measurable manner. Measurement in human resource development can be done with an affirmative action strategy.
Keywords: Human resources, Development, Social Conflict