Effect Of Consumer Occupation And Shopping Frequency On Shopper’s Satisfaction And Behavioural Intention In Shopping Malls

Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics

Year: 2023

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/8th.icbmeconf.2023.08.105


Effect Of Consumer Occupation And Shopping Frequency On Shopper’s Satisfaction And Behavioural Intention In Shopping Malls

Patrick Joel Turkson, Felix Amoah, Marlé van Eyk



The purpose of this study was to investigate how shoppers’ occupations and shopping frequency affect customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in shopping malls. The study utilised the quantitative method and self-administered questionnaires to collect the primary data. The final data analysis was done based on a total of 500 usable questionnaires. The results were that no significant differences were found between the shoppers’ occupations as well as the shopping frequency in the context of the selected shopping malls in Ghana. Based on the empirical findings, it is recommended to shopping mall managers not to segment their shopping mall activities based on the shoppers’ occupation and shopping frequency; but rather maintain the quality of service and value offered.

Keywords: Behavioural intention, Ghana, Satisfaction, Occupation, Shopping frequency, Shopping mall