Proceedings of The 8th International Academic Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Comparison of the beginnings of feminism in Spain and China
Feixian Liu
This comparative study aims to explores the origins of feminism in Spain and China. After examining the early stages of feminism in both countries, common aspects and differences emerge as a result of distinct social, political, and cultural conditions that shape the identity of each nation. To understand the beginnings of feminism, it is necessary to delve into the past when the concept of feminism did not yet exist, but there were voices that began to demand a different way of considering and treating women. Therefore, comprehending these voices and understanding how the ideas of these pioneers were transmitted into modern times is an essential component of researching the history of feminism.
In the case of Spain, notable pioneers such as María de Zayas Sotomayor have been selected, and also two key aspects, female education and women’s suffrage, to comprehend the beginnings and their chronological evolution. Likewise, when considering China, apart from examining thinkers like Li Zhi in the 16th century, attention should be directed to the late 19th century to observe the development of feminism in areas that align with the Spanish context, such as women’s education, as well as other initial feminist movements shaped by the unique circumstances faced by women in China. Overall, this study sheds light on the historical trajectories of feminism in Spain and China, offering insights into their shared and distinctive characteristics.
keywords: comparative analysis, female education, history, women, women’s suffrage