Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Reintegration of Incarcerated Women in Albania
Dr. Juliana Ajdini
This article focuses on practices that are applied in the country and abroad regarding the reintegration of imprisoned women. The data were collected through a critical review of the literature related to the social reintegration of prisoners, the importance of reintegration programs and the sharing of some national and international practices used for social reintegration of incarcerated women. The research discovered that the issues of incarcerated women should be part of short and long-term policies, where social workers should play an important role in these policies. In different countries of the world, family care for prisoners is important and permanent, while in our country many women are abandoned by their families at the time of their sentence. Stigma issues and community awareness are challenges that must be addressed when we propose reintegration programs for prisoners in general and female prisoners in particular.
keywords: practices, reintegration, incarcerated women, social work