Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Management and Economics
Year: 2023
Does Personal Factors Impact Work Life Balance? An In-Depth Analysis of Women Employees of I.T. Sector
Prof. H. Venkateshwarlu, Ponna Srilatha, Dr. Ravi Akula
In practical sense, Work Life Balance (WLB) is an indicator which reveals the state of equilibrium between personal and professional life of an employee. Organizations expect more committed and hardworking employees. At the same time, family members also expect quality time and attention. When an employee is struggling to satisfy both the family as well as the employer then he said to have work life imbalance. WLB is very much important for every employee for a healthy and successful career. Health and successful career will lead to perfect work life balance. Hence, it can be understood that good work life balance lead to better productivity. Better productivity of employees’ reveals the better work life balance. A modest attempt has been made to explore the work life balance of the employees who are female and are working in Information Technology (IT) Industry in Hyderabad. As part of the study, 400 responses from women employees working in various IT companies in Hyderabad are collected. One way ANOVA is used to test the significant difference in work life balance of women employees in IT Companies in Hyderabad in respect of age, marital status, parental status and family size. The results revealed no significant difference in the respondents’ work life balance with regard to marital status, parental status and family size. Further, the study reveals that age has significant impact on work life balance. The younger employees have better work life balance than older employees.
keywords: Age, Family Size, Marital Status, Parental Status, Work life balance, Women Employees