The Role of Municipal Statistics in Georgia

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Management and Economics

Year: 2023



The Role of Municipal Statistics in Georgia

Dr. Giorgi Mikeladze, Mariam Okruashvili





The article discusses regional and municipal development asymmetry in Georgia, focusing on the main sources of financing for the economic policies of self-governing territorial units, including the budget, central budget assistance, and the support fund of international donor organizations. Based on the analysis of key economic indicators such as Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as well as living conditions such as absolute poverty level, the article identifies significant variations in public prosperity among different regions of Georgia. The article examines the following hypothesis: “The size of regional asymmetric development is inversely proportional to the growth of the country’s territorial scale”. This hypothesis is supported by two pieces of evidence: first, a 2019 study conducted by the World Bank (WB) on poverty indicators; and second, an analysis of average monthly values of household incomes and expenditures within relatively small territorial units. To address the high marginal relative error resulting from the small sample size, future research should consider empirical implementation of the following models: Fay-Herriot (FH), Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (ELL), and time series analysis.

keywords: Equal public prosperity, Asymmetry of regional and municipal development in Georgia, Statistical indicators of the living conditions in a small area