Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Management and Economics
Year: 2023
Towards A Conceptual Model for Enhancing Customer Experience in Mobile Commerce Applications
Rebeka-Anna Pop
This study conducted a systematic literature review to develop a conceptual model for assessing customer experience on mobile commerce applications. The proposed framework aims to evaluate customer experience in all stages of the customer journey by exploring relevant constructs and understanding the relation between customer experience and the different stages of the journey, namely, pre-adoption, adoption, and post-adoption. The analysis included two datasets, comprising 191 studies, and focused on various distribution channels, such as online, offline, omnichannel, and mobile apps. Independent, mediator, and dependent variables were synthesized and compared to identify the key factors influencing user experience at different stages of the customer journey. The study findings shed light on the complex relationships between user experience and the customer journey and suggest several areas where further research is required. Specifically, the study highlights the need to investigate customer experience holistically. The study contributes to a better understanding of customer experience on mobile apps and identifies research gaps that need to be addressed in future studies. The proposed framework can be relevant for marketers and businesses to enhance customer experience on mobile commerce applications.
keywords: Customer Journey, M-commerce, Online Experience, Shopping Apps, Systematic literature review