Questions of Structural Thermostatnamic Analysis

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences

Year: 2023



Questions of Structural Thermostatnamic Analysis

Gulyamov Shukhrat Manapovich, Dr. Xojiyeva Nasiba Jumabayevna, Latipova Nodira Xalimovna, Ganikhodjayeva Dilfuza Ziyavutdinovna





The article is the first to classify the existing approaches to structural thermodynamic analysis of thermotransformation systems. The results of an in-depth thermodynamic analysis of a refrigeration machine are presented with the separation of endogenous and exogenous, as well as removable and inevitable components of exergy destruction in its elements. The main direction in the development of the structural method is functional analysis based on thermodynamic simulation with the establishment of relationships between the components of exergy losses in the elements of heat engineering systems.

keywords: structural analysis, heat technology equipment, methodology for assessing the energy efficiency of heat technology systems