Education Challenges and Opportunities in The Age of Digital Transformation: Perceptions of Marketing and Education Scientists

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education

Year: 2023



Education Challenges and Opportunities in The Age of Digital Transformation: Perceptions of Marketing and Education Scientists

Dr. Özlem Al, Dr. İlke Kocamaz




Digital transformation is changing the business environment in a radical way. Marketing is among the areas most affected by this transition as it is an applied science and innovation and technology have strong dominance in current marketing approaches. Marketing also takes on a philosophical leadership role in the customer-oriented business environment of our day. It is crutial that marketing lecturers connect with education scientists (particularly with a technology background) to prepare ideal curriculums for their students to make them adapt to the changing world easily. The primary goal of this study is to find out the marketing and education faculty members’ perceptions and views about how an ideal marketing employee candidate should be educated in higher education to have the necessary digital skillset needed to adapt to the post Covid quality labour market and to contribute to the discussion of an effective digital transformation of organizations based on the latest trends of skills. It also intends to analyze the perceived threats and opportunities in the labour market regarding digital transformation. By means of an exploratory and a descriptive research to be conducted on marketing and education scientists; this study will help educators to reconsider their curriculum program for educating a better quality labour market candidate and rethink their strategies about the development of a suitable skillset for their students to make them able to make the most out of possible opportunities and help them overcome the obstacles and challenges caused by digital transformation.

keywords: Digital transformation, marketing, education science, higher education, quality labour market, skillset for the new century