Intercultural Processes on Etnoeducation Public Policies in A Colombian City

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education

Year: 2023



Intercultural Processes on Etnoeducation Public Policies in A Colombian City

Prof. Dr. Maira Alejandra Pulgarín Rodríguez, José Julian Herrera Pulgarín, Erica María Ossa Taborda




The research presented here focuses on the review of the appropriation of regulations on ethno-education by the educational institutions that serve the largest number of indigenous migrants in Medellin, Colombia. The Objective is to analyze the significant experiences at basic and secondary education for the indigenous population in the context of the city. It has become part of the local agenda, with the recent adoption of a Public Policy (PP) and a program to address the growing migration of this population and the existing settlement of three indigenous cabildos in the city.
The resolution of the situation involves addressing both the final cycle of the Public Policy, as well as the impact of the program, from the position of the direct beneficiaries and the improvements that can be established for the sustainability of the achievements obtained. The methodology is qualitative with ethnographic approach and non-experimental study. It involves the production of data from the testimony of indigenous students and teachers; the work of school curriculum management and the relationship with the rest of the students from a complementary for the intercultural and multicultural approach. The results include the production of new knowledge on the phenomenon addressed, the processes of care for indigenous students and the promotion of respect and cultural identity; also tehe recognition of the implementation of the city’s Public Policy.

keywords: ethnoeducation, indigenous people, Public Policy, intercultural, multicultural