Proceedings of the 7th International Academic Conference on Education
Year: 2023
Re-imagining Learning and Assessment in the Age of ChatGPT
Dr. Jan MacLean
In the last few years, the explosive rise of generative AI such as ChatGPT has presented a disruption to the usual approaches to teaching and learning in the classroom. The rapid emergence of ChatGPT has invoked uncertainty and posed a number of serious challenges for educators. How learning happens and how that learning is assessed is a very real concern, especially for educators who have relied on the traditional essay as way to measure knowledge and understanding. Student access to ChatGPT is free and easily available, consequently there is much discussion in educational circles regarding academic integrity and authentic student learning. Many educators, especially in university settings, have responded by incorporating generative AI as a means to identify to what extent students have used generative AI. From my perspective, I perceive the disruption as providing an opening for educational reform and an opportunity to rethink and redesign not only how we have been measuring student learning but to also re-imagine how knowledge might be imparted, absorbed, and demonstrated. In this paper I will discuss and describe innovative assessment models I have created in response to the rise of generative AI in both graduate and undergraduate university courses.
keywords: art-education, creativity, curriculum-design, evaluation, teaching