Differential Impacts of Instructional Modes: Examining Academic Performance and Completion Rates in an English Writing Course for Undergraduate Health Science Students in the UAE

Proceedings of the 7th International Academic Conference on Education

Year: 2023

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/7th.iaceducation.2023.11.105


Differential Impacts of Instructional Modes: Examining Academic Performance and Completion Rates in an English Writing Course for Undergraduate Health Science Students in the UAE

Natoya Lulita Thompson, Amina Gaye, Lalitha Jawahar




This research investigates the differential impacts of three instructional modes – face-to-face, online, and blended – on students’ academic performance and completion rates in an English writing course within the context of the United Arab Emirates. A cohort of 396 undergraduate female students aged 18 to 25 enrolled in a health science degree program participated in the study. The analysis of course grades revealed no statistically significant differences across instructional modes, with the online mode exhibiting a slightly higher mean grade. However, a compelling narrative emerged when examining completion rates, with the face-to-face mode demonstrating a significantly higher rate than online and blended modes. These findings align with the hypotheses positing differences in completion rates but not necessarily in grades across instructional modes. The study provides valuable insights for educators and institutions seeking to optimize instructional strategies, emphasizing the nuanced dynamics of student success beyond quantitative academic achievements. Limitations and implications for future research are also discussed.

keywords: Instructional modes, Academic performance, Completion rates, Academic writing, Educational technology