Does Company Openness To Employee Faith Relate To Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings?

Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Management, Business and Economics

Year: 2024



Does Company Openness To Employee Faith Relate To Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings?

Jason G. Caudill



This paper explores whether a relationship exists between a company’s openness to faith and their rating on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is a recognized topic for competitiveness today, as consumers are more concerned with the social and environmental impact of the firms with whom they do business. Because of CSR’s focus on good stewardship, and the desire to positively impact society, the goals of CSR broadly align with the principles of many faith traditions. This study conducts a quantitative correlational study of 195 companies’ REDI Index scores against their CSR scores to determine if there is a relationship between companies’ openness to faith and their CSR engagement. While a correlation was not found, this paper does add new insights to the literature as past studies focused more on the faith of individuals did find relationships to CSR activity. This implies that a company’s openness to faith among employees is not a predictor of the firm’s actions, but the actual faith of employees is part of predicting behavior. The value of this study is that it explores a different aspect of the relationship of faith to company strategy and performance than past studies. This article is classified as a case study.

keywords: CSR, Faith-based culture, REDI Index