Police Leadership Homicides: Sonic Therapeutic Intervention Approach

Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Management, Business and Economics

Year: 2024



Police Leadership Homicides: Sonic Therapeutic Intervention Approach

Vasudev Das



Research on sonic therapeutic intervention (STI) for preventing police leadership homicides is negligible in the leadership and organizational change domain. This study fills the gap in the management literature. Although the police leadership is responsible for maintaining peace and enforcing legislative policies and laws, some members of the police force have contributed to the homicidal deaths of many of the citizens they are supposed to protect. Grounded in Bandura’s self-regulation and Prabhupada’s sonic therapeutic intervention frameworks, the investigative inquirer explored the lived experiences of six STI practitioners regarding how STI prevents police leadership homicides. The researcher used semi-structured interviews from purposeful samples and documentary analysis to generate data. A meticulous examination of interview data transcription showed that STI enabled high self-regulation, non-violence, good mental health, sobriety, high self-control, consequentiality mindfulness, post-conventional consciousness, and pro-supramundane value. The eight emerged themes facilitated non-involvement in homicides. The study’s positive social change implications (PSCI) include responsible police leadership, creative and caring police leadership, a people-oriented policing system, a better relationship between the police and the public, and reduced wanton homicides.

keywords: consequentiality mindfulness, high self-regulation, high self-control, post-conventional consciousness, responsible police leadership, sobriety