Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Investigating the Impact of Tinker Cad Software and 3D printing on the Vocational Skills of Emirati Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Martha Matashu
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of using Tinker Cad and 3D printing technology on vocational skills (Basic and Computer skills) in Emirati students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In addition, the study aimed to explore the perception of the teachers and the parents of the students with ASD regarding the benefits and barriers of using 3D printing technology software and its effects on the vocational skills of Emirati students with ASD. To facilitate the achievement of this purpose, one of the Emirati centers for Special Education was provided with five 3D printers that will remain in the center even after the completion of the research project. The participants include eight students with ASD who are enrolled in the center (he students were purposefully selected with a chronological age criterion of 10 years or older), the students’ parents (the father and/or the mother for each student participant in the study), and the teachers of the students who are involved in the study. This presentation will report the findings of the training of the students who completed the study and the challenges faced during the implementation.
keywords: Autistic, perception, technology, training, United Arab Emirates