The Purpose. The Power. The Protection of Policy

Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



The Purpose. The Power. The Protection of Policy

Lucy M. Gowdie



Policy is a fundamentally crtical protection mechanism in education; often misunderstood, regularly unmanaged, and rarely successfully implemented. This presentation will provide educators with a tangible, evidenced based framework for the development, implementation, and assessment of the effectiveness of policy in schools. Walking educational leaders through a stepby-step guideline to implementing policy, the presentation will highlight the necessity of a whole school approach to policy and actioning documentation to protect all stakeholders. Separated into three sections; the purpose of policy, the power of policy, and the protection of policy, the presentation highlights the importance of a collective approach to effectively lead, protect, and advance an organization. Specifically targeting Heads of School, the presentation will use case studies to connect the necessity of policy to purposeful practice in education and advance the importance of policy specifically as it relates to inclusion, teacher code of conduct, and teacher performance management.

keywords: Child Protection and Safety, Teachers and the Law, Physical Environments, Community Engagement, Leadership