Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics, and Accounting
Year: 2020
Construction sector’s analysis in the supply and demand of residential buildings around the business management of Stakeholders
Luis Miguel Toloza Gordillo ,Carlos Gabriel Hernández Carrillo and Jorge Andrés Sarmiento Rojas
The global market immersed in an environment of economic and political uncertainty, where trade and industrial production showed signs of marked weakness. However, in developing countries like Colombia, with a moderate expected economic growth, attributed to the implementation of strategies aimed at creating jobs, building public infrastructure and services to meet the needs of their rapidly expanding and urbanizing populations. Consequently, this research analyzed the external phenomena that have impacted the Colombian economy on the housing supply and demand behavior of the construction sector. All the above, through the analysis of economic indicators, public policies, and stakeholder management around the use of tools, approaches, and methodologies established by different standards in project management along with the analysis of a business sample located in the city of Tunja. As mentioned above, it allowed the establishment of susceptibility to external economic phenomena and government policies in the construction sector. Those would enable the increased demand and boosts other areas of the economy through the effect of stakeholders in the supply and business capacities concerning its management, recognizing the expectations in the formulation and elaboration of projects in the current context. Nevertheless, companies related to the construction sector don’t have adequate tools and personnel for this integral development, allowing to identify factors when evaluating business capacities around stakeholder management, contributing to generate new methodologies and instruments that enable increasing the success in construction projects.
Keywords: Colombia, Housing, Indicator, Management, Market, Project.